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Tips For Installing Solar Panels in Tampa Florida

Aug 25

Solar panels are a great way to power your home in a green and environmentally-friendly manner. They also help you save money in the long run. Going solar is a straightforward option when you consider the rising price of electricity. Here are some suggestions for those who are considering installing a Tampa solar panel.

The value of your home's resale rise with the installation of a solar energy system

Installing a solar power system can boost the resale value of your home. It's environmentally friendly and adds a unique feature to your home. Although the initial costs are costly, they are compensated by the savings you will receive on your electricity bill. The value of your home will rise by as much as 20% when you have a solar array. A knowledgeable solar expert will help you maximize the benefit of your solar panel. A solar dealer is also able to install solar panels and move vents from the roof.

The majority of buyers view solar panels as a way to upgrade their homes and will pay up to $15,000 more for a home equipped with solar panels than one that does not have. That means even a tiny solar array can increase the worth of your home dramatically. In addition, homes with solar panels are more popular than comparable houses without them.

Credit for solar energy

Solar panels are among the most efficient ways to generate green power for your home, especially those who live in Tampa. Solar panels can help reduce the cost of energy as well as earn an income tax credit during the process. Solar panels can enhance the value of your property. They also can help you stay clear of Net Metering requirements.

Florida exempts solar panels and power systems from sales taxes. Additionally, solar tax credits are offered from the federal government. The credits can are able to cover as much as 26% of the price of your solar energy system. The credits you don't use can be carried forward into the tax year following.

Solar energy systems cost

Costs for solar energy systems differ between states to the next. Some states offer tax incentives and others don't. You can offset your first investment with the federal ITC. Also called the solar credit, the federal ITC is also available. In the initial year, you'll be able to take 26% off your total investment. There are also incentives from the state or local government. You might even be eligible for a rebate of 20% from your utility. These incentives can result in substantial savings.

The cost per watt for a solar system in the United States ranges from $2.50 to $3.50 dependent on the size. In the Southern and New England regions, the cost is higher. It doesn't mean that solar energy in these regions isn't as efficient. The size and position of your solar energy system will influence the return on investment.

Selecting the best size solar panel kit to suit your Tampa home

The first step is to determine the amount of energy your home uses daily. Divide your daily average consumption of kWh by the amount of sunny hours in Tampa to arrive at this figure. This should be equivalent to four hours. Also, take into consideration the power consumption of connected appliances, such as an air conditioner.

Next, you should know what size solar panel you require for your home. Based on the space they cover, various solar panels can cost more or less. It is also crucial to understand the amount of power solar panels produce. The larger the solar panels will be, the greater amount of energy they can generate.

The most effective solar panel kit will be the one that offers the highest power-per-dollar. The best solar panels are made with high-quality components, and are backed by solid warranties. They also come with extra features, including solar inverters.

Finance options for solar energy systems

If you're in the market to purchase a solar power installation for your Tampa, Florida home, you'll need to know your financing options. While it's always best to have cash up front but there are other alternatives that don't need a huge down payment. This includes solar leases as well as low-down loans of $0.

Federal tax credits can be an excellent option for financing the installation of a solar system. These credits are available immediately which means you will save on your first year's electricity bill. If you purchase solar panels, you will also benefit from tax credits. Be aware that tax credits for federal residents expire after 2020. Your savings will be reduced to zero.

There are two options for you based on your Tampa home's dimensions: standard or economy solar panels. A solar panel system that is economical could be sufficient for smaller or medium-sized houses and a mid-range or premium solar panel system might be more suitable for a larger home. The more expensive models will typically generate more power and will be eligible for net-metering and Florida solar tax credits.

Name      The Tampa Solar Company Florida

Address  Tampa Bay, Florida

Phone   (813) 592-5529